Earlier this week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center increased their prediction for the rest of the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season from a near-normal level of activity to above normal. In an NOAA statement,...
St. Johns Riverkeeper’s (SJRK) SAV Team wrapped up the August 2023 SAVe our River’s Grasses Expedition a day early due to persistent streaks of cyanobacteria on the surface water at each monitoring site south of Dunn’s Creek. The August 2023 Expedition results...
St. Johns Riverkeeper is Monitoring 80 Miles of the Most Threatened Habitat of the St. Johns River over Five Years In May 2023, St. Johns RIVERKEEPER (SJRK) launched its first SAVe our River’s Grasses Expedition, seeking answers and solutions to the disappearing SAV...1…345