SAVe Our Grasses Gift

Make a Gift to SAVe Our Grasses

Support or Sponsor an Expedition Field Visit
St. Johns RIVERKEEPER® will embark on three multi-day expedition field visits in our quest to restore the grasses. Each of our SAVe Our River’s Grasses field visits costs up to $15,000 for staffing, water quality testing, lodging, fuel, equipment, and supplies.

Support or Sponsor an SAV Enclosure
We are currently working with homeowners, state agencies, and local bass anglers to install small enclosures along the expedition routes. The temporary fences reduce grazing pressure from wildlife on the SAV so healthy grass beds can be reestablished. This strategy does not harm wildlife and has proven to facilitate the regrowth of grasses.

Please consider a gift to help support our SAV research and advocacy efforts so we can continue this vital work to protect some of the most threatened habitat in our watershed.

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