
2024 St. Johns Riverkeeper Recap
As we enter our 25th anniversary year, we are grateful for your support and our joint accomplishments over the past quarter century – for the river – to ensure a healthy river ecosystem for generations to come. Today, we reflect on 2024 and our annual progress and...
2024 Volunteer Awards
St. Johns Riverkeeper (SJRK) celebrates its annual Volunteer Award winners each year at our Holiday Mingle event in December. We would like to introduce our honorees and commend their contributions to SJRK and our river! Volunteer of the Year: Pete Miller Pete is what...
Local Placemaking Project Explores Community Connections to the Ribault River
Attend theater productions, free and open to the public, this week on Saturday, November 16 and Monday, November 18 There are two performances this week as part of the University of North Florida’s (UNF) Water Stories: A River Harvest series. Water Stories, a...
SAVe Our River’s Grasses: October 2024 Field Visit
In late October, St. Johns RIVERKEEPER (SJRK) returned to the river for its third and final 2024 field visit as part of the five-year SAVe Our River’s Grasses Expedition. This trip wrapped up year two of the expedition. We continue to seek answers that will lead...
Take part in Earth Day events along the watershed!
Earth Day is coming up on April 22! We have compiled a list of activities happening throughout the watershed, so you can get out there and show your love for Mother Earth! Did you know that Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970 and an estimated 20 million...
Plan Your Own Cleanup
The Great St. Johns River Cleanup is happening now through April 25, 2024. There are organized cleanups coming up throughout the watershed – but whether or not you can make it to one of those, you can still clean on your own. Check out all of the upcoming...
Great St. Johns River Cleanup
Hey river lovers, it’s that time of the year again! Get ready to roll up your sleeves and join hands with St. Johns RIVERKEEPER, local governments, nonprofits, and businesses for the second-annual Great St. Johns River Cleanup. It’s not just a...