Habitat Loss and Degradation

Call to Action: Protect Our State Parks
Join Waterkeepers Florida’s Call to Protect Florida State Parks Last summer, thousands of Floridians rallied together to oppose a ridiculous proposal to build hotels, golf courses, and pickleball courts in State Parks across Florida. In response to that outcry,...
Dead Fish in the St. Johns? What You Should Know
St. Johns RIVERKEEPER (SJRK) is monitoring the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)’s investigation of several fish kills in the St. Johns River. FWC states that the fish kills of predominantly tilapia (an invasive species) are most likely...
2024 St. Johns Riverkeeper Recap
As we enter our 25th anniversary year, we are grateful for your support and our joint accomplishments over the past quarter century – for the river – to ensure a healthy river ecosystem for generations to come. Today, we reflect on 2024 and our annual progress and...
Year 2: SAVe Our River’s Grasses
As we wrap up year two of our 5-year SAVe Our River’s Grasses Expedition, we want to thank all of our partners who continue to share their dedication, docks, boats and knowledge of the river we all share and love. What started off as a strong showing for SAV in 2024...
SAVe Our River’s Grasses: October 2024 Field Visit
In late October, St. Johns RIVERKEEPER (SJRK) returned to the river for its third and final 2024 field visit as part of the five-year SAVe Our River’s Grasses Expedition. This trip wrapped up year two of the expedition. We continue to seek answers that will lead...
2024 State of the River Report
The just-released 2024 State of the River Report for the Lower St. Johns River Basin (LSJRR) once again reveals significant reason for concern regarding the fragile health of our river and its tributaries. While a few of the river health indicators seem to be...
Help Our Neighbors Affected by Hurricane Helene
The last few days have been agonizing, as we see more and more images and videos of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene. To make it easier to know how you can help, we have complied information about some of the reputable organizations providing aid and...
Hurricane Preparedness in the St. Johns Watershed
With Hurricane Helene threatening to affect the St. Johns River watershed, we want to share some hurricane season reminders as we work to keep our families and our river safe. The NOAA predicted above-normal hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin this year during...