Blog Archive


OUTSTANDING River Friendly Yard Award kicks off!

Bonnie Sinatro, winner of the 2018 River Friendly Yard Award in JacksonvilleAnnually, St. Johns RIVERKEEPER, Florida Native Plant Society's local chapters, and other native plant experts recognize individuals or businesses that have implemented River Friendly...

Controversial Toxic Chemical Rule Withdrawn

For Immediate Release February 21, 2018 FDEP Withdraws Rule That Would Have Allowed More Toxic Chemicals in Florida’s Waters  JACKSONVILLE, FL — The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) recently withdrew a dangerous state rule that...

Motion Denied, Dredging Challenge Continues

Below is the press release that St. Johns RIVERKEEPER released on 1/22/18.  MEDIA RELEASE Jacksonville, FL — On January 19, 2018, Judge Marcia Morales Howard issued an order denying St. Johns RIVERKEEPER's Motion for Preliminary Injunction to prohibit...

Corps Fails to Assess Flooding Impacts from Dredging

Recently, the Florida Times-Union published a special report, As the Ocean Creeps In, that looked into why Hurricane Irma "caused a shocking 150-year flood that sent salty seawater gushing into the streets of downtown and an eclectic mix of neighborhoods along...
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