Blog Archive


Fertilize Your Yard, Not Your River

Photo courtesy of Washington State Department of Ecology.If you are planning to fertilize your yard this spring, make sure that you use the right type of fertilizer and don't apply more than is necessary.  Fertilizer runoff contributes to nutrient...

Withdrawal Study: Uncertainties Remain

Image from Folio Weekly Oct 2, 2007 issueThe St. Johns River Water Supply Impact Study (WSIS) final report was recently released by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). The 4-year, multimillion dollar study was initiated by the SJRWMD...

Pollution Solutions: Lasalle Bioswale Project

St. Johns Riverkeeper and our numerous partners collaborated to install the City of Jacksonville’s first bioswale along Lasalle Street in front of the San Marco Library. A bioswale collects stormwater runoff from roads, rooftops, and parking lots and uses soil...

Tribute to Neil Armingeon

Photo Credit: Walter CokerBill Belleville Tribute to Neil Armingeon If there has ever been an orphan of a natural system in Florida, it's the St. Johns River. Once worshiped by the Timucua and later, revered by the white settlers who floated their economy atop it,...

Your New St. Johns Riverkeeper

January 6, 2012 Press Conference – Lisa Rinaman, John Ragsdale, & Neil ArmingeonWe are excited to announce that Lisa Rinaman has been selected to succeed Neil Armingeon as your next St. Johns Riverkeeper.  Lisa will assume the role as...
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