
River Voices

The Dr. A. Quinton White Jr. For the River Award

The Dr. A. Quinton White Jr. For the River Award

At the 2020 Oyster Roast, St. Johns RIVERKEEPER announced the creation of the Dr. A. Quinton White, Jr. For the River Award and the first recipient of this special recognition.  “After recently celebrating our 20th Anniversary, we decided it was time to honor and...
Creating Community around a Tiny Dock

Creating Community around a Tiny Dock

St. Johns Riverkeeper is proud to be a partner of the Tiny Dock Concert Series! In a fun and safe way, we’re able to bring our River community together to foster awareness and appreciation for the health of the St. Johns, increase utilization of our Riverfront, and...
Lisa Rinaman Tribute to Bill Belleville

Lisa Rinaman Tribute to Bill Belleville

In 1997, I fell in love with the St. Johns River than runs through the heart of Jacksonville. In 2005, Bill Bellville introduced me to the wild, tropical, surreal St. Johns that exists for hundreds of miles before it snakes through my adopted hometown. As part of the...
Neil Armingeon Tribute to Bill Belleville

Neil Armingeon Tribute to Bill Belleville

The writer, naturalist Bill Belleville was not a resident of Jacksonville, but he did a helluva lot for this community, and the St. Johns River. In fact, in the 17 years I knew Bill, I’m not sure he ever pledged allegiance to any political boundary. He was a citizen...
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